Here is a series of guidelines to help you get ready for hip or knee replacement surgery.
Medical and administrative forms. During your visit to our clinic, you received a file containing several forms that you will need to present to a number of parties:- Family physician – for the purpose of arranging the tests required via the HMO.
- Anesthesiologist as part of the pre-anesthesia clinic – for a preliminary appointment prior to surgery.
- Summary of the medical consultation on behalf of Professor Drexler that includes personal details, diagnosis, the course of the examination, and a recommendation for surgery.
- Request form for preliminary tests – blood, urine, cultures, chest x-ray, ECG and other tests given according to your medical condition.
- Preoperative and postoperative drug treatment guidelines form – this form includes the types of medication (including packaging photos), medication intake times, and recommended doses. It should be emphasized that medicinal treatment varies from patient to patient, and therefore the composition of treatment should not be changed without prior consultation with Professor Drexler.
- Recommendation for C.T. Testing – Some robots require CT imaging, which is done according to the robot manufacturer’s protocol, if necessary; the recommendation is included in the medical consultation summary letter.
- Reception report – This includes your details, the diagnosis on behalf of Professor Drexler and open fields that the anesthesiologist will fill in.
- The results of the medical tests – blood test results (blood count, electrolytes and clotting functions), general and culture urine test, ECG, chest X-ray, nasal swab for MRSA, prescription drugs you take in their original packaging, medical summary on behalf of the family doctor, and a financial commitment.
Activities to be performed on the day of the operation:
- You have reached the day of surgery: good luck!
In a few hours you will be able to walk again, with the new joint. For the day of surgery, prepare:
- ∙A bag containing essential personal equipment that will be used by you when you are hospitalized: toothbrush, toothpaste, bath products, hairbrush, wet wipes, shaving tools, slippers, housecoats, and bathrobes.
Further, bring these forms and documents with you:
- Inpatient referral form.
- Financial commitment from the HMO or any other funding source for the purpose of hospitalization.
- Identity card.
- The results of the blood tests.
- Electrocardiogram results for patients over the age of 40.
- Chest X-ray – for patients over the age of 60.
- Results of the imaging tests performed, including – X-rays, MRI ,CT and bone mapping.
- The results of the tests performed prior to the appointment with the anesthesiologist.
- If required, please provide confirmation of your own blood donation.
- An up-to-date letter from the family doctor regarding your state of health and the treatments performed.
On the day of the surgery you will need to sign a consent form for surgery; the wording of the form is fixed and is common to all hospitals in Israel.
Important points you should be aware of:
- If the operation is expected to take place at Raphael Hospital, a representative will contact you.
- Coordination of C.T tests – a representative of the clinic will contact you to arrange the issue.
- Accompaniment/support throughout the process – Professor Drexler’s clinic team is available to you throughout the process, and we also offer you the Care For Today Education App for your use, and for receiving information and updates.
- Self-donation of blood – you can make two blood donations for yourself a few months prior to surgery; the donation is performed in coordination with the blood bank at the hospital where surgery is due to be performed. A special form for dealing with the issue awaits you in your file.
- Important points to note for smokers – It is recommended that you cease smoking a few days prior to surgery. Smoking causes arterial vascular contraction, decreases blood flow to tissues, speeds up heart activity and raises blood pressure. Smoking that is discontinued before surgery helps to shorten the recovery period.
- Important points to note in case of a fever – If you had a fever in the days leading up to the surgery or on the day of the surgery, inform Professor Drexler.
General emphases after the operation:
The surgical process takes about an hour; the preparation and anesthesia until leaving the operating room is about an hour or so (- the total of the procedure is about two hours), at the end of which the patient goes on to recovery for an hour or two, and later to the ward.
In the ward – usually, a few hours after the operation and after making sure that the effects of the anesthesia and block have passed, the patient is set up for initial walking. In addition, before you are discharged to your home, a physiotherapist will meet you and instruct you on how to perform physical therapy exercises and stair exercises.
- It is important to practice the exercises that appear on the physiotherapy site even before surgery in order to get acquainted with the exercises; this greatly facilitates their implementation, and improves rehabilitation and recovery.
Physiotherapy via the HMO – In the first weeks after surgery, every patient is entitled to home physiotherapy via the HMO. A few days after the surgery, the HMO will contact you to coordinate physiotherapy sessions at your home. It is possible and desirable to send a copy of the surgery report and release form to the HMO in order to ensure the arrival of a physiotherapist.
In any case, it is advisable to use the exercises found on the site under the heading: Physiotherapy and to continue to perform the exercises you learned while in hospital.
We are here to support you throughout the process, and wish you great success, and a quick and easy recovery.